Patient info

Discover a place where quality orthodontics meets a family-friendly atmosphere.

Begin Your Orthodontic Journey

Your first visit is an exciting blend of questions and anticipation, and at Ortho House, we’re dedicated to making it a comfortable and informative experience. During this initial consultation, you’ll meet our friendly team, explore our modern facility, and discuss your goals and concerns. We’ll conduct any necessary exams and create a personalized plan, ensuring your dental journey begins on the right foot.


We understand that achieving your dream smile involves financial planning. That’s why we offer zero-interest in-house financing options and plans designed to make orthodontic treatment accessible and stress-free. Schedule a consultation with us today, and let’s take the first step towards your perfect smile together.

Patient Forms

We believe in providing a hassle-free experience from the moment you walk through our doors. To save you time during your appointment, we offer convenient online patient forms. You can access and fill them out from the comfort of your own home, ensuring that your first visit is efficient and stress-free.

Your happiness starts with your smile, and we're here to help

Contact us today to embark on your smile journey.